Advertising Opportunities
Bay Display Activity and Information Centers offer selected local businesses and service providers the most unique and cost effective advertising opportunity available anywhere!
Make Your Bay Display Ad Even More Effective!
This is a high-impact, full color display ad. It is much more like a mini-billboard than a newspaper ad, so remember to keep it simple. We can help you determine the best use of the space to promote your business and maximize response.
Consider Using Your Own Picture In Your Ad!
Our experience shows that, for many advertisers, the most effective Bay Display ad is one that includes their picture.
Local businesses and especially service providers like doctors, lawyers, dentists, investment counselors, real estate agents, insurance representatives, independent distributor, travel agents and other professionals benefit most by promoting the most distinctive and memorable logo possible, their smiling face.
Think about it. Each day, as you interact in the community, go to church, pick up dry cleaning, shop at the grocery store or dine out, hundreds of people see your face. Many potential customers may be familiar with you but have no idea what you do professionally.
People like to do business with people they know. By associating your face with your business, you can become a walking advertisement for the products and services you provide. That is especially true when your ad is featured on Bay Display Activity and Information Center right in you're own neighborhood!
Whether you decide to include a picture of yourself, an illustration of the products or services you provide or feature something else entirely, your high-impact, full color ad will be on display every day for an entire year! Compare that with a 30-second spot on radio or TV, or an ad in the morning edition of the local newspaper.
Put Bay Display To Work For You!
If advertising on Bay Display's Activity and Information Centers sounds right for you, or if you have seen our displays at local golf courses, health clubs, community centers, or other facilities, and would like to explore advertising a specific locations, contact us by phone, mail or e-mail.
Include Bay Display in Your Marketing Plans!
Times have changed. Big box stores are opening everywhere Internet sales are skyrocketing. Local media and other advertising and promotional options have exploded into the hundreds! How can local businesses and service providers afford to keep up?
At Bay Display, we suggest you get back to basics. Target your advertising directly to your best potential customers; the people who already live, work, play and shop right in your neighborhood!
We've been helping local business owners and service providers build their businesses and know from experience that this unique form of low cost, high-impact, local advertising works!
Ads on Bay display Information Centers encourage facility members and patrons to support their neighbors by doing business locally!
Large, professionally produced, full color display ads tell your potential customer who your are, what you do and how to get in touch with you.
Current advertises are given first opportunity to renew next year. For one low price, your Bay Display ad will be presented to current and potential customers everyday, for an entire year!
Your message will reach decision makers in a relaxed and positive environment.
This is effective, well targeted promotion to upscale consumers who already do business in your area.
Regional promotion is also available by placing your ad at multiple Bay Display locations.
To Take Advantage Of This Unique And Cost Effective Advertising Opportunity, Act Now!
Available space on Bay Display Activity and Information Centers is sold on a first come, first served basis to businesses and service providers who are recommended or approved by the facility where the Activity and Information Center is located. Join the thousands of advertisers throughout the Chesapeake Bay Area who are receiving the benefits of this highly effective, year-round promotional opportunity!